
CATTI备考笔记 | 政府工作报告翻译要点学习来了(1)

M君 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02




✔ 本文可用于MTI、CATTI备考学习。


On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation and approval. I also ask members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) for their comments.


  • 国务院:State Council

  • 全国政协委员:National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)


Last year was an extraordinary year in the history of the People’s Republic of China.


  • “极不平凡”如何翻译?


  • 第十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议以来的五年,是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。

    The five years since the first session of the 12th National People’s Congress (NPC) have been a truly remarkable five years in the course of our country’s development. (2018年政府工作报告)

  • 十八大以来的五年,是党和国家发展进程中极不平凡的五年。

    The five years since the 18th National Congress have been a truly remarkable five years in the course of the development of the Party and the country.(十九大报告)


  • 刚刚过去的2020年是极不平凡的一年。

    Last year was extremely challenging.(乐玉成在中国日报社“新时代大讲堂”上的致辞)


  • 回顾中国共产党领导人民消除绝对贫困的艰辛历程,极不平凡,极不容易。

    The strenuous process whereby the CPC has led the Chinese people in the battle against poverty has been extraordinary and difficult.(《人类减贫的中国实践》白皮书)


Facing the severe combined impact of a sudden coronavirus epidemic and a deep global economic recession, we the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, responded with tremendous tenacity. 

We achieved major strategic success in our response to Covid-19 and China was the world’s only major economy to achieve growth. We attained a complete victory in the fight against poverty, and we scored decisive achievements in securing a full victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

Indeed, our achievements, which have won the approval of our people and global recognition, will be remembered in history.


  • 许多同学看到本句后第一感觉是无从下手,这时要注意按照英文思维找到句子框架,给句子做好成分分析,以及断句。




  • 主干信息:【全国各族人民顽强拼搏,】



  • 注意此处“顽强拼搏”的对象是前面提到的“大背景”内容,用“respond”较为合适。


Our development goals and tasks for the year were accomplished, and major headway has been made in China’s reform, opening up, and socialist modernization drive.


  • “社会主义现代化建设”中的“建设”如何翻译?同样,我们可以学习一下其他文件的翻译,多积累:

  • ……为我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设打下了坚实基础

  • This has laid solid foundations for China’s reform and opening up as well as the socialist modernization drive. (把乡村振兴战略作为新时代“三农”工作总抓手)
  • 在社会主义现代化建设进程中,妇女生产力不断释放,就业领域更加广泛。

    Throughout the process of socialist modernization, women’s productivity has been continuously unleashed and their employment options also broadened.

  • 有力推动了改革开放和社会主义现代化建设

    ...providing a strong boost for reform, opening up, and socialist modernization


Throughout this fierce battle against Covid-19, the CPC Central Committee put protecting the people and human life above everything else, with General Secretary Xi Jinping personally taking charge and making response decisions. //Thanks to the tireless efforts of all of us, our gains in controlling Covid-19 were continuously consolidated.


  • 本句翻译难点在于断句+找句子主干。以上"//"处断句是根据“主语变换”而定,①主语为“党中央”,②主语为“各方面”。

  • 人民至上、生命至上:put protecting the people and human life above everything else


In response to evolving epidemic dynamics, we made well-timed adjustments to our response approaches. We improved routine control mechanisms and effectively suppressed several local outbreaks of the epidemic. With these actions, we protected the health and safety of the people to the greatest extent possible, and created the conditions for returning to normal life and work.


  • 本句翻译难点之一在于断句。以上"//"处断句是根据“信息变换”而定,①主要讲“我们”采取了什么行动,②的内容是①的结果。注意,为避免译文句子过长,①可再拆分为两句话进行翻译。

  • “疫情形势变化”可理解为“不断发展变化的疫情形式”,动词转为形容词译为:“evolving epidemic dynamics”。

    • dynamics可表示“动态”、“变动中的态势”。如:market dynamics 市场动态 / electoral dynamics 选情 / public opinion dynamics 舆情 / popularity dynamics 人气的起伏

  • 常态化防控机制:routine control mechanisms

    • routine adj. happening as a normal part of a job or process常规的; 例行的; 惯常的:

      You mustn't worry. These are just routine enquiries.你不必担心,这只是例行的询问。

      routine maintenance work例行的维修工作

      a routine operation常规操作

  •  处置局部地区聚集性疫情: ...suppressed several local outbreaks of...

    • suppress [VERB 动词] 压制,抑制,阻止(进程或活动);If someone or something suppresses a process or activity, they stop it continuing or developing. [V n]

      'The Government is suppressing inflation by devastating the economy,' he said...



Last year, we carried out the following work in implementing the decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee, and to respond to Covid-19 and advance economic and social development:


  • 本句翻译难点在于找准句子主干:我们主要做了以下工作。“贯彻党中央决策部署,统筹推进疫情防控和经济社会发展”可以分别理解为“方式”和“目的”。

  • 贯彻:implement

  • 决策:decisions and plans


1. We formulated and implemented macro policies to meet the urgent needs of market entities and kept the fundamentals of the economy stable.


  • 本句翻译难点在于划清句子成分、汉语无主句补充主语。




  • 市场主体:market entities

  • 制定和实施宏观政策:formulated and implemented macro policies

  • 经济基本盘:the fundamentals of the economy

【9】①面对历史罕见的冲击,我们在“六稳”工作基础上,明确提出“六保”任务,特别是保就业保民生保市场主体,// ②以保促稳、稳中求进。

Facing shocks of a severity rarely seen before, based on what we had done to ensure stability on six key fronts, we carried out the task of maintaining security in six key areas—particularly job security, basic living needs, and the operations of market entities.* By maintaining security, we were able to deliver stability while also pursuing progress.

* The six fronts refer to employment, the financial sector, foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment, and expectations. The six areas refer to job security, basic living needs,  operations of market entities, food and energy security, stable industrial and supply chains, and the normal functioning of primary-level governments.


  • 本句翻译难点在于断句+划清句子成分。断句见“//”。①句的成分划分如下:



  • 历史罕见的冲击:shocks of a severity rarely seen before


Based on China’s realities, we refrained from adopting a deluge of strong stimulus policies but took swift, decisive and well-considered steps, thus maintaining a desired balance between various macro policies. 


  • 国情实际:China's realities

  • refrain from (doing) sth: formal 克制,抑制,忍住;

    Please refrain from smoking in this area.请勿在此处吸烟。

  • "大水漫灌“:a deluge of strong stimulus policies

    deluge [N-COUNT 可数名词] 大量涌来;大批泛滥;A deluge of things is a large number of them which arrive or happen at the same time. [usu sing]

    This has brought a deluge of criticism.


  • "科学把握”中“科学”需要具体情况具体分析,不可一概译为”scientific“。


  • 如果美国能够科学应对,事情本不必如此。(2020年美国侵犯人权报告)

    Had the American authorities taken science-based measures to contain the pandemic, this could have been avoided. 

  • 立足国情实际,既及时果断又保持定力,坚持不搞“大水漫灌”,科学把握规模性政策的平衡点……
    Taking into account China’s national conditions and realities, we took prompt and decisive action while maintaining our resolve, and refrained from resorting to a deluge of strong stimulus policies. Instead, we balanced large-scale economic policies...(关于2020年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2021年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告)

